Living Simply

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I'm thankful for a daughter that has a heart for prayer.  She is only 2 years old but often asks to stop throughout the day to pray.  Sometimes she has a specific person in mind and sometimes she just wants to pray.

Saturday she asked to pray for Amelia (one of our friends and her babysitters who we also go to church with).  Amelia was taking her ACT test during this time -- a great time to be reminded to pray for her!

I pray that she continues to have a heart for prayers and I'm thankful that she reminds me often to stop and pray for others.
This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.My hudband is the Youth Director at our church.  We have both worked with youth for many years as volunteers as camp staff and now as church staff.  We had the Children's Director from another area church come and present to our church body about "How to Share the Gospel with Children".  She did an amazing job and we were challenged to keep al our lessons God-centered not man-cenetered.  This ha been on my heart for some time and I praise God that there is someone who can so eloquently say what I know to be true.  We must have a correct view of God before we can correctly understand our sin and our need for a Savior. A. W. Tozer says that if we have a false view about God it is the same as committing idolatry because we are believing (and thus worshiping) a fasle God.  I want the students I work with (and my daughter as she grows old enough to understand) to continually be confronted with Biblical truth about who God is and what He has done.  One great resource for God-centered children's curriculum is is also a great resource for adult focused material, sermons, etc.